Glo-ION (Ion Exchange Resins)

Global Adsorbents Pvt. Ltd has been in the foray of water treatment and wastewater treatment for over 25 years offering technology products and services of international standard. Our adsorbents and filter media have opened up numerous opportunities for the users to experiment widely in their process in an effort to increase their overall performance, economy and productivity. Our latest offering in the market is Polymeric Resins. Designed to work in a variety of process conditions without compromising efficiency, our Glo-ION range of Ion Exchange Resins (cationic / Anionic) based on two commonly available physical forms Gel and Macro-porous have been used to treat water, wastewater and gas-phase operations with a number of value-added benefits over competitive brands. Our products aim at being offered at a broad spectrum of core sector industries including Petrochemicals, Refining, Process Chemicals, Power Plants, Energy and Infrastructure. Our Technical Support Functions can go a long way to help you realize your long-term business goals with unmatched reliability and performance.

Water used for community and industrial sectors is a small fraction of the hydrology that balances the water exchange between numerous components of our environment. Water takes part in a complex chain of events transforming and self-generating through nature’s own scheme of treatment and purification. We source it from a number of convenient locations but can use it only after it receives a set of treatment to modify its characteristics that make it suitable for use. The water thus used forms a part of waste water from cities and industries which again needs to be treated before disposal for the protection of the environment and the lives that it supports.

We at Global Adsorbents Pvt. Ltd are at the forefront of providing solutions for treatment of surface and groundwater. We also cater to the applications involving treatment of effluents or waste water whether they form part of the city sewage or any ream emanating from specific industries. Our range of adsorbents, filter media and Ion Exchange Resins, play a pivotal role at our customer’s place to significantly improve their process efficiency and productivity. Our pre and post sales technical support help them choose the optimal conditions and combinations which improve their process economics significantly